

WYOMING - Pie #50 of 50 - Maia Oustinoff Albers

No State Foods

I have been to Wyoming, not once but twice. I have been to Jackson Hole, driven through the Teton pass and stood at the foot in the shadows of the Devil’s Tower.  

Wyoming is the last state on my road trip but the first state to give women the right to vote, home to the first official National Park, Yellowstone (1872), the first National Monument, Devil’s Tower (1906) and where JCPenney stores were started. How poetic this is isn’t lost on me. My previous job at JCPenney was the main proponent in my journey to becoming a permanent resident here in America. 

To say Wyoming is breath taking would be the understatement of the century. From the decent in the plane to the drive through Teton pass there wasn’t one moment where the views weren’t postcard perfect. It is vast, it is wild and all you want to do is breath it all in. From sunrise to sunset it hard to comprehend just how beautiful one place can be.

I knew right off the bat that Wyoming was going to the a savory pie! I knew I wanted either bison or elk in it with a wild berry component. Since Wyoming is the last state in my 50 pies series, I knew I had to do an in state delivery and bake. I knew I had to end the project in the state it was for. 

I decided to capture the sweet trouble that fills this state in an elk chili pie with a little Teton lattice on top served with a Huckleberry demi glacé. Elk range from mountainous wilderness areas to lowland deserts and plains and are plentiful on both public and private lands. The huckleberry often confused with the blueberry due to its close resemblance. Although very similar in taste, the big difference is the seeds within the huckleberry that give it a crunchy texture when fresh and its thicker skin.  The flavor is a little more tart than blueberries, with an intense blueberry flavor.

All these flavors together the spiciness of the chili, with the tartness of the Demi glacé! I served it with a little sour cream to cut the heat and my favorite boxed wine Bandit! 

This pie is dedicated to my friend of 14 years Maia Oustinoff Albers. I first met Maia at a party at Peirce the Maryland pie recipient’s house in Savannah, GA. From then on Maia and I were instant friends. I remember driving around Savannah blasting Shiny Toy Guns in her VW golf. Maia graduated a year before me and I remember thinking OH LORD I gotta make new friends but knew she would be waiting on the other side for me in New York! In New York we continued to hang going to shows at Music Hall of Williamsburg, drinking many tecante’s at the Levee and getting into all sorts of sweet trouble. There was one time during our early 20’s in New York where both Maia and I were going through a tumultuous time, everything seemed to be falling apart. I got us tickets to a Bon Iver show. We held hands for the entirely of the show and sobbed. It sounds pretty tragic but it was one of the most beautiful memories I have of our friendship. Bon Iver will always have a special place in our hearts and bond us because of it. She made the move to Jackson Hole almost a decade ago and at the time I was so sad but couldn’t have been more excited to have another place to visit or excited to see what the next chapter of her adventure would look like. 

Our souls ride on the same waves. Our highs are high and our lows are low but like the base of the Tetons we stand tall no matter what the weather or what life has in store of us. 

I am so blessed to have Maia as a friend. It’s rare in life you find people that sing the same tune as you.

Like Wyoming there is no place on earth like our friendship. 

*roll credits* That’s The Way The World Goes Round by John Prine plays. 

I DID IT Y’ALL! 50 DONE 🇺🇸💪🏼🇺🇸





WISCONSIN - Pie #49 of 50 - America’s Dairyland - Brian Kaspr

State Fruit: Cranberry
State Grain: Corn
State Pastry: Kringle 

I have been to Wisconsin!

There was a time in the last couple years that I was exploring the idea of leaving New York (Stacey c’mon!). I got recruited for a job at Land’s End located in Dodgeville, WI. They flew me out for the interview and I got to spend the weekend exploring Madison. This gave me a chance to see if I could picture myself living there. I looked at apartments, went on a long hike at Devil’s Lake, got delicious food from Willy Street Co Op, a mini cheese plate from Fromagination and had one of the best ham and cheese croissants I’ve ever had at Batch bakehouse. So as the story goes I turned the job down because deep inside I knew that I wasn’t done with New York and New York wasn’t done with me.  While I was there though I did get romanticized by the idea of living there. Wisconsin is the dairy capital of the United States and even though I am lactose untalented I was charmed by every curd that I ate.

The pie for this state is a cranberry pie with a cornmeal crust and Bucky Badger fried cheese curds on top!
The cranberry was designated the state fruit in 2003. This came about because of a class project by fifth grade students from Trevor Grade School in Kenosha County, WI. They decided that the cranberry, rather than the cherry, was the best candidate for Wisconsin’s state fruit. Wisconsin leads the nation in cranberry production, accounting for over half of the nation’s output and are grown primarily in the central part of the state.

Corn was designated the official state grain in 1989. This unlike cranberries came about during a  legislative debate. A fight from ear to ear (slow cap for a dad joke). Sponsors claimed designating corn as the state grain would draw attention to its importance as a cash crop. This intern would make people more aware of corn’s many uses.

In 2017, fourth graders at Mineral Point Elementary School in Mineral Point,WI proposed a bill that made cheese the official state dairy product of Wisconsin. 90 percent of the milk produced in the state goes on to become about three billion pounds of cheese. With all that cheese thats a hell of a lot of curds and whey. 

The cheese curds on the pie got a little over done because while deep frying. This lady was just having a grand told time drinking Milwaukee’s Champagne of beers, shooting the shit and got a little distracted but overly melty cheese hasn’t hurt no one. 

This pie is dedicated to Brian Kaspr of Milwaukee, WI. I met Brian through Kickstarter in 2015. I backed his demolition derby campaign to send a 1986 Caprice that he painted “Cry Cry Cry” on to the automobile afterlife and then again in person at a Baggu event. I still have the pouch he painted for me at that event. It’s still holding strong after 6 years! 

Brian was one of the first people to know about my pie project. I reached out to him asking if he would be interested in doing the branding, state titles and if it was a good idea in the fires place. Basically after a few emails we were like LFG!!!! He’s been on this journey with me since day one. I also have Brian to thank for introducing me to my sister friend and Delaware pie recipient Steph Stilwell. Wealth in talent and wealth in friendship.

A few years ago Brian started a cocktail club called “The Usual Club” that I am a part of and I can’t wait till our next meeting of themed cocktails and French fries. The booze flows, the tunes are always the jams and the French fries unlimited. 

To say Brain is talented would be the understatement of the century. I prefer to call him the king of swoops and loops. Above all things Brian is an incredible friend, cheerleader and support system for me. I couldn’t imagine living, laughing and loving through this project without him. 

Wisconsin you are America’s Dairyland. 

The people and the heart are always whole and never 2%. 

49 down 1 to go 🇺🇸💪🏼🇺🇸





WEST VIRGINIA - Pie #48 of 50 - August 2021 - Almost Heaven

State Fruit: Golden Delicious Apple

I have never been to West Virginia.

West Virginia is considered the southern most northern state and the northern most southern state.  

It is the only state that is completely within the Appalachian Mountain region! Guess thats why John Denver said it’s almost heaven. 

The pie for this state is a pepperoni, hot cheese pie with marinara swirl and a pepperoni stuffed crust. I had this picture in my head of a pie with pepperoni in the crimps and I had to make it happen! 

Though the state fruit is the golden delicious apple there was no doubt in my mind that the pie for WV had to be based on the pepperoni roll. 

The first known pepperoni roll was sold by Giuseppe Argiro at the Country Club Bakery in Fairmont, WV in 1927. It become popular in the state in the early 20th century when the booming mines and railroads attracted many immigrants from Italy. It originally made as a coal miner’s lunch and bares resemblance to the pasty and the sausage roll which also originated in mining communities in Great Britain. The pepperoni roll is an Italian American stuffed bread roll that is nearly ubiquitous, particularly in convenience stores and is the food that is the most closely associated with the state. The classic pepperoni roll consists of a soft white yeasted bread roll with pepperoni baked in the middle. During the baking the fats of the pepperoni melt infusing the bread with its spicy oil. YUM! 

This pie is dedicated to my friend of 14 years Jeffrey Caldwell Hart. I met Jeffrey sophomore year at SCAD. To say we met would not do the occasion justice. Jeffrey picked me to be his friend. We were both in the same Survey of Western Art class. I had an Intro to Footwear class right before in a different building so I would come bounding into art history with an arm full of shoe lasts and leather poking out of my tote and sit in the last seat by the door as class was just about to start. During break the second day of class I was out smoking a cigarette and Jeffrey decided to join me. He basically told me that next class his friend Taylor and him would save a seat for me. I was ok that sounds nice. Cut to next class I come bounding in the door and I look by the window to see Jeffrey and Taylor beckoning me over and pointing to the seat they saved for me. We have been friends ever since. 

Jeffrey was born in Charleston, WV and has spent many of our 14 years of friendship telling me about how incredible pepperoni rolls are. Jeffrey and I both moved up to New York right after college. Jeffrey is a talented designer, artist, a true Renaissance man but most of all Jeffrey is the most wonderful friend. During the first few tumultuous years in the city whenever I was anxious I would go sleepover at Jeffrey’s. We would lay in his bed listen to Fleetwood Mac and enjoy the soft light that would pour into his then Williamsburg apartment’s curtains. Nothing made me feel more at peace. 

West Virginia you are Almost Heaven because whenever I’m with Jeffrey I am home. 

West Virginia also goes out to Taylor Pope and Chelsea Strobel all my memories gather 'round them.

48 down 2 to go 🇺🇸💪🏼🇺🇸





WASHINGTON - Pie #47 of 50 - June 2021 - Dave Stine

State Fruit: Apple

State Vegetable: Walla Walla Sweet Onion

I have never been to Washington! 

I have such big dreams to go to Seattle, wander Pike Place Market and buy so many things I do not need and end the evening with a dinner at Canlis where I will definitely get the Caesar salad and a martini. Yes I have an outfit planed, and yes is it a @bigbudpress jumpsuit. 

The Seattle season of Top Chef is also one of my most favorite because it introduced me too Sheldon Simeon. Who I just feel is a gem of a human that I want to spend a day at the beach with while eating spam musubis and playing ukulele. 

The pie to capture this state in all its glory had to be a Rainier cherry and apple pie BUT I had to take it up a notch and decided to do a potato chip crumble. Who doesn’t love a sweet salty textural adventure. All the crispy crooks and craggles of the crumble as rocky as the Cascade mountains. 

The Rainier cherry is named after the state’s famous volcano peak and was developed at Washington State University in Prosser, WA by cross-breeding the Bing and Van varieties of cherries! The state grows more sweet cherries than any other region in the nation. 

Washington is also the nations top apple producing state and the apple became the states symbol in 1989 in its centennial year. 

The potato chips I got came all the way from the state it self! I used Tim’s Cascade Style potato chips! Which hail from Auburn, WA. In 1988, Tim’s was named “the best potato chip in Seattle.” As a die hard Cape Cod chip fan I have to say these are DELICIOUS! 

This pie is dedicated to my friend and fellow BTS Army member, Dave Stine. Dave is originally from New Jersey but has called the great state of Washington home for the past decade. He lives there with his lovely wife Amy. All of us went to SCAD together in Savannah, GA! Dave makes incredible music with his band Weeknites check em out! I sent Dave and Amy the top secret recipe for this pie so they could make their own since I couldn’t get my butt out there. A top shelf pie for a top shelf friend. I couldn’t have survived the turmoil of last years and this years events without constant support from Dave and Amy. 

The Evergreen state I long to visit you. I am constantly green with envy. 

47 down 3 to go 🇺🇸💪🏼🇺🇸





VIRGINIA - Pie #46 of 50 - June 2021 - Virginia Is For Lovers - Paul Fredrick

No State Foods! 

I have been to Virginia! 

I went for the first time in 2011 to spend Thanksgiving with my friend Paul’s family. We took the bus from the city. It was suppose to be a 7 hour bus ride, it ended up taking 9. Paul and I passed the time by making friends with everyone on the bus, snacking and napping till we finally got D.C. where his lovely mom Melanie picked us up. I got to meet his horse Lucky, drink my first Cheerwine and eat all the casserole my heart desired. 

Virginia is known as “the birthplace of a nation” it is also said to be the birthplace of the Chess pie!

The pie for this state is a Chess pie with candied peanuts on top! The earliest known recipe appeared in the cookbook “The Virginia Housewife” by Mary Randolph in 1824. The recipe was titled “Transparent Pudding” and variations of this pie have appeared in New England and Southern Cookbooks since the 1800’s.

There are many stories about the origin of the name. Some claim chestnut flour was used in the pie, others claim that “chess” is the interpretation of a southern accent where it was named “just pie”. The “just” could have been pronounced “jes” which may have been interpreted as “chess”. Nobody seems to have the whole story.

Chess Pie is the base for many of the pies we enjoy today including the Derby and Pecan pie.

Virginia is also responsible for the largest of the four peanut types grown in the United States. By 1902 Virginia had quickly become the largest peanut producer in the United States. 

The pie is dedicated to my friend of 14 years Paul Fredrick. He hails from Hopewell, VA. I first met Paul in his apartment in Savannah when I came over to see his roommate Dave. I will never forget the image of Paul in a beautiful seersucker shirt, white jeans and loafers cooking chicken teriyaki on a George Forman grill at 11pm. We’ve been friends ever since. Paul had the most beautiful college apartment, his room was straight out of an Architectural Digest spread, he had an orchid thats all you really need to know. We weathered  hurricane Irene together in my Brooklyn apartment where survived on his mom’s pasta salad, frozen Reese’s cups and watched a dvd set we got at target that had three terribly wonderful rom coms on it over and over again. Paul and his partner Will took me on my first sail around the Hudson where we drank Heddy Toppers and watched the sunset. 

Paul is so special to me and I couldn’t think of a better person for this pie to go too. His presence makes my heart sing. 

This pie is also dedicated to Morrigan Maza from Williamsburg, VA! I met Morrigan through New Hampshire pie recipient Kelsie Woodbury! We bonded on our love of constantly studying the moon and Lana Del Rey’s sad girl summer aesthetic. Morrigan constant support and love gets me through the darkest of days. 

Virginia you truly birthed a nation for lovers. 

46 down 4 to go 🇺🇸💪🏼🇺🇸





VERMONT - Pie #45 of 50 - May 2021 - Annie Gormley Kraus

State Fruit: Apple

State Pie: Apple Pie

State Vegetable: Gilfeather Turnip

I have been to Vermont!

The first time I went to Vermont for a friends wedding in 2012 in Chittenden, VT. I remember very little about the wedding because of the copious amount of drinking and dancing I partook in. What I do remember is the morning after. Sitting with our sin from the night before my friends and I drove to diner Maple Sugar & Vermont Spice and ate stacks on stacks of pancakes. That was the first time I tasted real maple syrup and I’ve been hooked ever since. 

I left with a half gallon and never looked back.

My favorite bacon comes from Singleton’s General Store in Proctorsville, VT. Its smokey as all heck but so delicious, it’s unreal. My buddy Pete’s family has a place at the Okemo Mountain Resort in Ludlow, VT that we get the honor is visiting and we never not stop at Singleton’s on the way home to stock up. 

Pete’s Pop is the inspiration behind my next state pie. Pete told me that his pops used to always say “an apple pie without the cheese is like a kiss without the squeeze”. Vermont even has a 1999 law on the books requiring that proprietors of apple pie make a “good faith effort” to serve it with ice cream, cold milk, or “a slice of cheddar cheese weighing a minimum of 1/2 ounce.” 

The idea of adding dairy/cheese to pie originated in England in the 17th century. In Yorkshire apple pie was served with Wensleydale, which is most likley how the phrase “an apple pie without the cheese is like a kiss without the squeeze” began. It is a hot button dispute to whether the phrase originated in America or England let’s just chalk it up to cultural collaboration. 

The pie its going to my fine friend Annie Gormley Kraus. Annie is from Chittenden, VT near Killington and I can without a doubt say that her smile will light up the darkest of nights and brighten you cloudiest days. I met Annie in in 2013 at a scavenger hunt my friends from SCAD and I used to do every year in the city. We instantly hit it off. We had an instant connection. Annie recently shared with me that growing up pie was something her mom always made for their family, friends and anyone that would come round their house even when Annie insisted she not bother. For her mom cooking for people was her way of saying “welcome to our home”. Her mother and I have that in common. All Annie’s recollections of pie are centered around special days, her mom, and family and friends being together. What is more wonderful than that! I am so glad that I got the chance to gift Annie this pie after a long hiatus on my pie project due to the pandemic. We got to meet up all fully vaxed, hug, drink spritzes and eat pie together. I’m so blessed that even though the pandemic kept us physically apart we are now friendship wise closer than ever. 

This pie is also dedicated to my fellow pie team member Lauren Wright at Four and Twenty Blackbirds who hails from Bennington, VT. I met Lauren in October of 2020 when I joined the pie team at Four and Twenty Blackbirds. Lauren and I bonded on our love for early 00’s emo music and our deep love of dad jokes. Meeting and befriending her was definitely a highlight of the turbulent seas of 2020.  

Vermont Naturally like the fall leaves I am falling for you. 

45 down 5 to go 🇺🇸💪🏼🇺🇸





UTAH - Pie #44 of 50 - March 2020 - Life Elevated - Alex Collins, Bryan Moreno, Lauren Rinaldi & Me

State Fruit: Cherry

State Historic Vegetable: Sugar Beet

State Snack Food: Jell-O

State Vegetable: Sweet Onion

I have been to Utah. 

Utah’s name comes from the Native American Ute tribe and means people of the mountain. Utah has five national parks Arches, Canyonlands, Zion, Bryce and Capital Reef. Truly where ideas connect. 

The pie for this state is a Funeral Potato Pie! This hot dish hits all the marks of classic comfort food: potatoey, cream of chickeny, buttery, sour creamy and crunchy corn flakey.

This dish became particularly popular in America along the “Mormon corridor” of Utah.

They are named “funeral potatoes” because it is commonly served as a side dish during traditional after-funeral dinners. No one is totally sure where funeral potatoes originated but most sources attribute their spread to the Relief Society, a women’s organization within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. One responsibility of society members was attending to the needs of the bereaved, including meals. The dish of funeral potatoes became a way to show your support and sympathy for a grieving family. The long lasting ingredients of funeral potatoes are almost always inside a Mormon’s pantry a holdover from the Church’s post-depression push for maintaining a three month food supply at all times. So the dish is ready to be cooked at a moment’s notice. 

The dish is a source of pride and pleasure for those who grew up eating them.

I tried to wrap up all this comfort in my all butter crust goodness.

This pie is dedicated to the lovely people I met that run the Canyons Lodge in Kanab, UT and is being consumed by my lovely friends Alex Collins (D.C pie recipient), Lauren Rinaldi (Connecticut pie recipient) and Bryan Moreno (Nebraska pie recipient) whom all have been to Utah like myself. 

I drove from Vegas to Utah en route to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon for my 30th birthday. I stopped by Kanab, UT for a day to check out the Coral Pink Sand Dunes and to lay my head at a lovely hotel called Canyon’s Lodge. I also ate the most delicious breakfast of green chillies sauce on scramble eggs in UT before I set off on my 3 day sojourn into the Grand Canyon. 

Kanab is called “Park Central” because it is located only minutes away from a grande array of 3 national parks, 3 national monuments, 1 national recreation area and 2 state parks. 

Utah is also dedicated to the wonderful fairy being Tan France of Queer Eye who calls Utah home. 

I had a wonderful time in Utah and can’t wait to go back.

Please enjoy the photos of my friends and I recreating Seinfeld promo shots while we enjoy the pie!

Utah! life elevated!

44 down 6 to go 🇺🇸🏼🇺🇸





TEXAS - Pie #43 of 50 - The Lone Star State - Bryce Tillman Phillips

State Pie: Pecan Pie

State Fruit: Texas Red Grapefruit

State Pepper: Jalapeños 

I have been to Texas.

Texas comes from the Hasinai Indian word meaning friends or allies. Texas is full of some of my most loveliest friends.

Texas is the only state to enter the United States by treaty instead of territorial annexation and was independent from 1836  to 1845. It is home to the Alamo the cradle of Texas Liberty and the state’s most popular historic site.

The state pie may be pecan but I went a little outside the box with a Texas red grapefruit custard pie in a corn meal crust topped with candied jalapeños. I got to bake this pie in the state at the Phillips family’s Circle Star Ranch! A small pie packed with big flavor for a state with the prettiest open skies and that I love with my whole heart.

This pie is for one of my best friends Bryce Tillman Phillips. Bryce and I went to SCAD but didn’t meet each other till we both moved to NY and the rest is history.

Bryce took me on my first ever camping/backpacking trip when we hiked 50 miles of in the AT. Prior to that I had never been camping. A real go big or go home moment. He thought me everything I know about the outdoors and continues to inspire me everyday with his climbing adventures. Our next bucket list trip is Patagonia.

Bryce’s family’s ranch in Wolfe City, TX is one of my top then most favorite places in the world. It is beautiful, sprawling, has the most leather couches I have ever seen in one place and is full of love. 

My friendship with Bryce is one of my most cherished things. Nothing makes me happier than driving around in a car with him probably on our way to Phil’s coffee shooting the shit. Thank you for always watching out for me on our camping trips even when Haley and I are being reckless on the mountain and for always having my back.

Texas also goes out to the entire Phillips/Fulin Family (Phil, Patty, Haley, Royal, Megan, Trent, Jake), the Kerr Family (Ron, Holly, Hannah and Alice), Lauren Corey, Miranda, Celby, Karis thank you all for loving me so well. 

I messed with Texas and I turned around and fell in love.

43 down 7 to go 🇺🇸🏼🇺🇸





TENNESSEE  - Pie #42 of 50 - February 2020 - Dolly Parton & Myles Robinette

State Fruit: Tomato

I have been to Tennessee.
The name “Tennessee” originates from an old Yuchi Indian word “tana-see” which means “The Meeting Place”.
Tennessee is home to the Great Smoky Mountains, Graceland, The Grand Ole Opry and Bristol, TN is said to be the birth place of country music!
I have had the privilege of visiting Pigeon Forge, TN. Home to Dollywood where my wonderful friends and recipients of North Carolina pie (Suzy, Anne, Val & Katie) took me for my 30th birthday present. They made all my dreams come through. We ate foot long corn dogs and toured Dolly Parton’s museum and tour bus. We even stayed at the Dreammore Resort and got to go to the Dixie Stampede! It was an absolute dream I will always love them for giving me something so special for my birthday and getting me one step closer to Dolly Parton the love of my life.
The pie is a biscuits and gravy pie made with Swaggerty’s sausage all the way from Tennessee with a ode to Dolly Parton crust topper. Like this biscuits and gravy pie my love for her sticks to my bones. It is also one of Dolly’s favorite foods so I had to obliged.

This pie is for my friend Myles Robinette and for a woman that has been a constant inspiration in my life Dolly Parton.
Myles and I went to the same college but didn’t officially met/become friends till here in NY.
Myles is a wonderful friend that loves the Kings of Leon and a Canadian tuxedo as much as I do. When he lived in New York he was always my karaoke partner and was always there for whiskey Friday’s and dance parties. Myles lives in Austin now with his beautiful wife Claire! I can’t wait to go visit him and his little growing family!
Where do I even begin with Dolly Parton. To say she is my role model and that I love her is a gross understatement. I first discovered her music as a little girl growing up in Hong Kong and was in awe of her musicality, her sass and just the bright light that seemed to shine off her. A true diamond in a rhinestone world. Her music has been my constant companion and her lyrics have guided me through my life so far.
I have had the privilege to see her in concert not once but TWICE! Once in NYC at Forest Hills stadium and another time when she surprised everyone by showing up at Newport Folk fest. Yes I cried happy tears both times. Her voice is so emotive and beautiful.
I will always love her.
Thank you Tennessee for giving not only a five star friend but the role mode of my whole darn life.
Because at the end of the day what would dolly do?
42 down 8 to go 🇺🇸🏼🇺🇸





SOUTH DAKOTA - Pie #41 of 50 - January 2020

I have been to South Dakota!
I did an in state pie delivery to with Connecticut pie recipient Lauren!
In the 3 days we were there Lauren & I toured a small portion of the great state! We saw Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, the Badlands, stood at the geographical center of the USA in Belle Forche and had the free crisp ice water at Wall Drug. Just the 2 of us a cooler full of snacks & the open road!
South Dakota has a rich history and is home to the Dakota, Lakota and Nakota tribes. I leaned heavily on the book The Sioux Chef by Sean Sherman as inspiration for this state’s pie. Sean is Oglala Lakota and was born into the Pine Ridge Reservation 10 miles from Batesland, SD.
The pie for this state is a wild rice pudding pie flavored with homemade sunflower milk, blueberry & strawberry tooth sweet, topped with maple pumpkin & sunflower seed crunch in a homemade corn crust.

This pie is for Eric Zimmer, Sam Zimmer, Sam Hurst, Eric Abrahamson, Denis DuBrois, Lois Facer and Nigel!
You must be wondering how this little lady from Hong Kong came to know so many wonderful folks in South Dakota.
I met Eric through Massachusetts pie recipient Matt! Matt introduced us over email and a month later I met Eric in Rapid City! Matt has designed beautiful books for Eric and his friends.
Eric grew up in the Black Hills of South Dakota and is a historian and author who specializes in Native American history, the history of U.S social policy and public and environmental history.
To say Eric helped me with this pie would be an understatement. Not only did he help me with providing me great texts to read when writing this recipe but he was the most gracious host during my time in SD. He invited a pie bearing stranger into his home and arranged a little get together with his fellow historians, authors, gallery curators and friends so everyone could taste the pie I made as an ode to the state they call home.
I am forever grateful for the hospitality and the knowledge Eric has bestowed on me. Thank you to Eric, Sam, Sam, Lois, Denise and sweet puppo Nigel! For the best conversation, best meal and to new friends! Of all the places I visited during my time in SD my favorite was around that dinner table.
This pie is also dedicated to Emily & Melissa Elsen of Four and Twenty Blackbirds who hail from Hecla, SD. When I was lost in my New York life Georgia pie recipient & my BFF Patrick bought me their pie cookbook for Christmas. I read it cover to cover and it kick started my whole pie journey. I baked myself out of despair.
South Dakota is truly full of Great Places and Great Faces.
42 down 9 to go 🇺🇸🏼🇺🇸





SOUTH CAROLINA - Pie #40 of 50 - Kristin Winters

State Fruit: Peach
State Vegetable: Collard Greens
State Snack Food: Boiled Peanuts

I have been to South Carolina!
South Carolina entered the Union on May 23rd 1788 and became the 8th state.
South Carolina is a beaut! I’ve had the pleasure of visiting Charleston & Hilton Head. If you’ve watched Parks & Rec and have been to both Charleston,SC and Savannah,GA you’ll understand that if we were in that universe that Charleston would be Eagleton and Savannah is most definitely Pawnee.
While in Charleston I couldn’t help but fall in love with how romantic the city seems to be with the old buildings, the Spanish moss and the ocean breeze.
South Carolina is home to Carolina Gold rice which Sean Brock a chef whom I love once said is the most delicious rice he has ever tasted. Carolina Gold is the grandfather of long grain rice in the Americas and was brought over from Madagascar in 1685 by a merchant ship that docked for repairs in Charleston. When the seed was planted the state began its 200 years as the leading rice producer.
The pie for SC is a peach pie with a crushed peanut crust! SC is the nation’s leading peach producer and shipper east of the Mississippi River.
The peanut crust was my ode to boiled peanuts which are one of my top 10 favorite snacks which I don’t get to have nearly enough.

I met Kristin in college at SCAD where she taught me about things like putting chia seeds in your water (gross haha). One of my most vivid memories of us in college was being in the pit at a Mutemath concert with her dancing the night away.
We then moved to NYC and continued the fun! From many afternoons spent at the MET to many nights on the dance floor with many delicious meals in between like when we went to Prune and ate a carrot that had been cooked slowly was 48 hours. It was magical. After a brief stint in Los Angeles Kristin back in the city and I couldn’t be happier!
To the states most beautiful smiling face Kristin!
This pie is also dedicated to the lovely Addie Janulis who was the first person I ever met from South Carolina and my old co worker and caligraphy goodness Morgan Miller.
40 down 10 to go 🇺🇸🏼🇺🇸





RHODE ISLAND - Pie #39 of 50 - Christine Alber

State Drink: Coffee Milk
State Fruit: Rhode Island Green Apple


Rhode Island is the smallest state in the US. It covers an area of 1214 square miles. It distances north to south are 48 miles and east to west 37 miles.
I’ve spent the most time in Newport with people I love, walking along the cliff walk, touring mansions, eating some of the best food and drinkin at the oldest operating tavern in the US the White Horse Tavern built in 1673.
For 5 summers and hopefully countless more I make the trip to Newport to attend the Newport Folk Festival. The festival is at Fort Adam’s state park which sits right on the water. Beautiful tunes and an ocean breeze what more could a girl want? This year I had the privilege of attending the 60th folk fest with surprise act the love of my life DOLLY PARTON!
for a state I love so dearly an autocrat coffee milk pie! A chocolate pie crust filled with a coffee custard and topped with home made whipped cream and chocolate shavings. Autocrat is a coffee and tea extracts manufacturing company based in Lincoln, RI. The coffee syrup is used to make coffee milk which became the official state drink of Rhode Island in 1993.
I got to bake this baby in the kitchen of my dear friends Christine, Tucker and Robert. My home away from home in downtown Newport. Where Christine makes me my favorite egg sandwiches and where she first introduced me to Polar cranberry cider seltzer my favorite seltzer flavor.

I roll deep in Rhode Island!
This pie is for Christine Alber. Christine and I went to the same college but didn’t meet till we were both on a train to Montauk for NH pie recipient Kelsie’s bachelorette party. We bonded immediately on our love for Tim Riggins, side eye, guacamole and the office.
Soon after the bachelorette party Christine invited me to my first Newport Folk Fest. five Folk fests and four thanksgivings later I could barely put into words what this spitfire of a woman means to me.
She is a force of a woman, she is a brave and above all she is a five star friend.
This Rhode Island pie also goes out to the rest of my Newport Fam! The Albers, The Burnley’s, The Jenkins! Tucker, Kara, Lexi, Anna and Ali!!! Thank you all for loving me as one of your own. How blessed is this mess from Hong Kong is to call Newport one of her homes.
Special shout out to Mission burger for making my favorite burger in the world, Winner Winner for the most perfect chicken sammy and TSK for that god damn raviolo. I eat well in RI!
Shout out also to Bohemian Bias and shore soap my favorite shops on the island.
Shout out to the states newest residents my loves Suzy, Matt, Ridley & Arlo recipients of the NC & MA pies!
The ocean state has captured my heart, my mind, my soul and my tummy!
39 down 11 to go 🇺🇸🏼🇺🇸





PENNSYLVANIA - PIE #38 of 50 - Andy Mangold

Pennsylvania has no state foods.
I have spent some time in PA and have loved every minute. I saw my first baby black bear by Arrowhead Lake! I saw one of my favorite bands Sylvan Esso for the first time in Philly and went to my first flower show!
In 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia, it is home to the Liberty Bell and it’s where Betsy Ross sewed the first American Flag.
With so much history is bound to be filled with wonderful food like cheesesteaks, water ice, soft pretzels and TastyKakes.
The pie for PA is a Shoofly Pie! The shoofly pie was invented by the Pennsylvania Dutch in the 1880’s. It all started as molasses cake called centennial cake in 1876 made to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. It was typically made in the winter since it was eggless and chickens didn’t lay eggs during the winter and molasses would store well. Pie crust was added to the crumb cake to make it easier for the people to hold a piece in hand while eating and is usually served with strong coffee for breakfast.

This pie took a journey with me on the Peter Pan bus to Baltimore where my sweet friend Andy Mangold lives. Andy is from West Chester, PA!
I met Andy through Massachusetts pie recipient Matt! We met at a podcast meet up for a podcast Matt and Andy hosted called “On the Grid”.
We cemented our friendship when both of us were asked Matt’s grooms people and spent a weekend away upstate where Andy made the most delicious chicken tacos and chestnut soup.
Sweet prince Andy is an incredible chef, a talented designer and the father of the sweetest caramel seal Sadie. He is also an incredible dancer and we cut up the dance floor at Matt and Suzy’s wedding like no bodies business.
I am thankful I am friends with Andy not only cause he makes me delicious food like ham and cheese buckwheat crepes for breakfast and wonderful pork tenderloin but because he is a thoughtful caring wonderful person.
I am so happy that Matt introduced us many moons ago.
This pie is also dedicated to Suzy and Matt. When they moved to Philly they opened up a whole new state to adventure and explore. Shout out also to Sassafras bar in Old City, the French drips are the best.
You’ve got a friend in Pennsylvania, thank you for a lifetime of memories.

38 pies down and 12 to go!





OREGON - Pie #37 of 50 - Joe Lipski & Leah Maghini
State Fruit: Pear
State Mushroom: Pacific Golden Chanterelle
State Nut: Hazelnut

I have never been to Oregon.
Oregon is home to one of my bucket list must sees, Crater Lake.
Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the US and is formed more than 6500 in the remains of an ancient volcano. It’s crystal blue waters are some of the cleanest in the continental US.
Oregon is full of beautiful natural sites like Hell’s Canyon is the deepest river gorge in North America at 8000ft deep. It is also home to Mount Hood the tallest peak in the state a dormant volcano that sits at 11239ft.
For OR the pie is a marionberry and pear pie served with Salt & Straw olive oil ice cream and topped with salty hazelnut crumble.
The marionberry was developed by the USDA breeding program in cooperation with the Oregon State University. It is a cross between Chehalem & Olallie blackberries. The pear is the state fruit of OR. 84% of the US’s pear crop comes from the Pacific Northwest due to the regions unique climate. The hazelnut is the official state nut of OR and OR is the only state that has an official state nut! Nearly 100% of all hazelnuts grown in the US are grown in the Willamette Valley.

This pie took a travel across the country via the USPS to a couple of sweet gems in the night Joe Lipski and Leah Maghini!
I met Joe & Leah in CT one 4th of July. I was introduced to them by Kyle & Julia recipients of the CT pie. We all spent a weekend at Dan & Shanel’s house playing beer pong and listening to Bruce Springsteen.
Joe recently moved out to Portland, Oregon for a job and Leah followed suit a little while later. I am counting down the days and the funds till I can head out to Portland to visit them. I just wanna eat salmon and drink fun beers and see crater lake with a couple of the best people.
FUN FACT! Joe and I are both allergic to melons. Berry only fruit salads for us!
I am so happy that Joe and Leah get to be a part of my project and I can wait to eat a pie with them soon.
Oregon I was told things look different there, you’re a wonderland I can’t wait to be in.
37 down 13 to go 🇺🇸🏼🇺🇸





OKLAHOMA - Pie #36 of 50 - Bob & Reta Wagner

State Meal: BBQ Pork, Chicken fried steak, sausages and gravy, fried okra, squash, grits
State Bean: Black eyed peas
State Treat: Cornbread
State Dessert: Pecan Pie
State Fruit: Strawberry

I have never been to Oklahoma.
I discovered Oklahoma because of the musical Oklahoma.
Oklahoma was originally Indian Territory, the state was opened to settlers in a “Land Rush” in 1889 (I learnt about this on an episode of Drunk History). Oklahoma is one of only two states who’s capital cities include the states name. It is bordered by 6 states: Texas to the south and west, Arkansas & Missouri to the east, Kansas to the north and Colorado and New Mexico at the top of the northwestern panhandle. It is home to four mountain ranges and its state wildflower is the Indian Blanket.
It is home to the National Cowboy Hall of Fame located in Oklahoma City.
It is home to the world record for the largest pecan pie. I thought about obliging and maybe making the second largest BUT alas I read about Arbuckle Mountain Fried Pies in Davis, Oklahoma! I was inspired by their beautiful fried pies I had to try my hand at making my own! Blueberry fried pies fried in Crisco and showered in powdered sugar. 

This pie is dedicated to Bob and Reta Wagner. My Uncle Bob and Auntie Reta hail from Gore, OK. I met the Wagner’s in 1995 in Hawaii when I was 7 years old. Uncle Bob worked with my dad as the Chief Engineer at the former Kahala Hilton on Oahu that my dad working for the Mandarin Oriental was taking over. My dad decided to hire him. In 1998 my dad hired him once again as the chief engineer in Miami when they built the Mandarin Oriental there on Brickell Key. 
While in Hawaii and Miami we would always go to their house for lovely dinners and so I could cuddle their sweet chihuahua Taz. Who would litter my face with kisses. 
I am very blessed that my dad’s job allowed me to meet and have such wonderful people in my life. My auntie Reta has since passed but I think of her fondly and often. They were a lovely addition to my American family and filled my childhood with many happy memories. 
This pie is also dedicated to my sweet friend Colin Bright from Oklahoma City and to my gal pal Lauren Neal who calls Oklahoma home right now!
The pies were received and eaten by my lovely friends Emily Pool, Adam Porter, Greg Radcliff and Becca Synder on a lovely weekend away in Woodstock, NY. 
Emily received the pie because she is from the neighboring state of Texas! I couldn’t think of anyone lovelier to receive this lovely treat! 
36 down 14 to go 🇺🇸🏼🇺🇸





OHIO - Pie #35 of 50 - Kristen Kyle Ginn & Meredith Passaro

State Fruit: Tomato

I have never been to Ohio.
I first discovered Ohio when I started watching the Drew Carey show after school in Hong Kong.
Ohio is the 17th state, is ranked 34th in size and 50% of the US population lives within 500 miles of it. 
Ohio is known for a few things like it is home to the world’s largest basket. I don’t know why I love this so much and can’t wait to visit  Dresden to see it in person. It is home to not only the inventors of the first airplane the Wright Brothers but also the home state of Neil Armstrong the first man to walk on the moon. 
In my opinion the most important thing Ohio has given us is the Hot Dog. It was created by Harry M. Stevens in 1900.
Ohio is known as the buckeye state so I had to oblige. The pie is a buckeye pie with a chocolate graham cracker crust, crunchy and creamy peanut butter filling topped with chocolate shell and buck eyes made from a recipe given to me by Meredith’s grandma. 

This pie is dedicated to Kristen Kyle Ginn. Most lovely Ginny is from Troy, OH. I met this sweet baby angel when I was 19 years old in college at SCAD. We meet in an accessory design class and have been friends every since. Kristen is one of the most talented designers I know. There literally isn’t anything she can’t do from handbags, illustrations to making the most badass cookies @cultcookies she constantly blows me away. I am in awe of her talents. 
She is a ride or die friend. She has been with me through most if not all my milestones of my adult life and I couldn’t be more thankful. She has taught me so many things about life and also about Arby’s cause she took me to my first one and I’ve never looked back. 
My life in America wouldn’t be the same without her! To all our nights listen to basically the Lilith Fair playlist and drinking Mike’s Harder Lemonade in college (we have since graduated to more sophisticated beverages, Michelada in a can). I love my sweet sweet friend Kristen. 
Kristen shared her pie with her lovely boyfriend Matt.
This pie is also dedicated to Meredith Passaro. Meredith hails from Bellefontaine, OH. I was introduced to Meredith by my friend Kate at a garden party. One following weekend Kate and Meredith asked me if I wanted to go climb a mountain with them in the Catskills. Many peaks bagged, many nights spent sleeping in a tent and shooting the shit by the fire Meredith has become one of my favorite people to tackle miles with. You know you’ve reach a whole new level of friendship when you have yelled at each other after 8 miles uphill with 7 miles to go and made up by the time you get to the summit. 
Meredith like me always wants a large plate of onion rings and a cold beer after a grueling hike.
In 20ish days we’ll be hiking 35 miles in Iceland and I couldn’t think of anyone else I would wanna do this with. 
Meredith pushes me and encourages me to no end and I couldn’t be more thankful for such a good friend. 
Like Ohio, there is so much to discover with Meredith by my side. 
Meredith shared her pie with her cousin visiting from Ohio, her boyfriend Tadas and her Mom on Mother’s Day. My friend Julia Came along for the ride and they all dressed for the occasion!

The buckeye state there truly is so much to discover!
35 down 15 to go 🇺🇸🏼🇺🇸 





NORTH DAKOTA - Pie #34 of 50 - Jane from North Dakota received by Stephani Stilwell & Brandon Springer

State Fruit: Chokecherry 

I have never been to North Dakota.
North Dakota is named for the Sioux people. The Sioux call themselves Dakota which means allies or friends.
North Dakota is the 19th largest state and is the geographic center of the North American Continent with a stone marker in Rugby,ND. It is home to the sprawling Great Plains which are the northern part of Badlands national park. Lake Sakakawea in North Dakota has more shoreline than California’s Pacific Coast. This beautiful land is home to some beautiful flora and fauna. It is filled with more sunflowers than any other state and its state tree is the American Elm grows to an epic 120ft or more! It is also home to the elusive rare white buffalo, the Dakota miracle which can be seen at the National Buffalo Museum.
For North Dakota I made a tater tot hot dish pie. Filled with ground beef, mixed veggies, Campbell’s cream of mushroom soup and topped with tater tots! Hot dishes are not a type of food THEY ARE THE FOOD! The invention of this mid western fave was in an effort to turn any left overs in the fridge into a single baking dish meal served hot. Tater tots became the staple topping in 1953 when the were invented and not one has looked back.

This pie is dedicated to Jane from North Dakota. I met Jane in a Lyft Share in LA when I was there for my sisters wedding in 2017. 
Jane now lives in Louisville, CO where she runs a pie contest in her free time where she boasted 60 kinds of pies are on display! Once during her time in 4H she won a blue ribbon at the North Dakota state fair for her blueberry muffins.
Of course when we chatted in our long drive to our destinations I asked her what her favorite kind of pie was. She said “Sour Cream Raisin” which is a South Dakota staple which her Grandmother originally from Germany would make. So I guess y’all know what’s coming for South Dakota!
My roommates Steph, Bran and doggo Jake received the pie. We are a funny bunch on Ocean Ave. Full of laughs and our weekly sushi order to sliver rice. We all enjoyed the pie while watching another Marvel movie. We’ve been burning through them in an effort to catch up to the premiere of Avengers End Game. Living with them is the best! Steph is the only other person i know that has watched Top Chef as much/ as many times all the way through as I have AND we met cause I started this project! Bran & Jake are two yellow roses of Texas that have blessed New York with their lovely selves. 
This pie also goes out to a couple “Hot Tots” I know Matt McInerney (Massachusetts pie recipient) & Mark Johnson (Nevada pie recipient). The three of us have had the most extensive and in-depth conversations about the food that has reached its full potential, the tater tot.
Till I come to visit North Dakota! You will always be my great white buffalo! Legendary!





NORTH CAROLINA - Pie #33 of 50 - Susannah Dusch, Olivia Bullock, Gigi Nyguen

State blue berry : blueberry 
State red berry : strawberry 
State fruit : scuppernong grape
State vegetable : sweet potato 

North Carolina leads the nation in furniture, tobacco, brick and textile production. It was the first state in the nation to establish a state museum of art. It is home to 1500 lakes of 10 acres or more in size and 37,000 miles of fresh water streams. That sure is a lot of babblin brooks!
The first time I ever went to NC was for Christmas a few years ago! I spent it in Hayesville with my friend Patrick’s family! I had so much fun on a little brewery tour his dad Tony took us on, I napped with his parents sweet pups and woke up to a little Racheff tradition of pigs in a blanket for breakfast. That’s luxury living. 
The next time I went down was for a girls trip with my lovely friends Suzy, Anne, Val and Katie who all hail from this great state. Val lives in Asheville and we invaded her home to all see one of all our favorite bands The Avett Brothers and to boop her puppo Winston on the snoot. I fell in love! The breweries, the music, the art, THE BISCUITS! 
Two of my most favorite bands hail from North Carolina! The Avett Brothers from Concord and Sylvan Esso. Both of which have written tunes that have been the soundtracks of my life so far. 
For NC I made a pulled pork pie with Cheerwine barbecue sauce in a corn meal crust topped with red slaw and hushpuppies. 
I was determined to include Cheerwine is from Salisbury, NC someway and what better way to do so in a sweet savory sauce that hugs and lightly coats some sweet smoked meats! 
When brainstorming for this pie and who to give it to I realized that so many of my close girlfriends all hail from this great state. What a blessing! 
I made two pies and two mini pies to share the wealth for a state I love so much.

The first of four pies I made for NC goes to Susannah Dusch. This fine queen of the mountains hails from Asheville. 
I met Suzy in college at SCAD but our friendship didn’t full bloom till we moved to NY and spent our first two years in the city dancing the nights away and saving money for Katy Perry concert tickets. I spent my first thanksgiving in New York with Suzy where her mom sent us the most wonderful edible arrangement (my first edible arrangement ever!) and she introduced me to the wonders of broccoli casserole and cool whip. 
Suzy lives in philly now with Massachusetts pie recipient Matt, sweet baby cotton ball paw kitten Ridley and honey roasted peanut Arlo pup!
Suzy is one of my greatest friends. I couldn’t imagine life without her. She is an amazing artist, designer, florist, cat mom, pup mom, food moment maker and friend! The list goes on. My favorite times with Suzy are when we go on adventures like the one we are about to go on to Dollywood! And when we are in soft clothes in the morning drinking coffee chit chatting. Nothing makes me happier then being around her good vibes. 
Suzy has made many of my dreams come true for me like my aforementioned trip to Dollywood, arranging a studio tour with one of my favorite potters, sending me my first protea (my favorite flower). Saying Suzy is a good friend to me is an understatement.
If our friendship were a song it would be the good kind that makes the center of your chest swell and the kind that makes your feet bee bop around. 
FUN FACT! Suzy’s pup Arlo is also from Asheville!
The second of four pies I made for NC goes to Olivia Bullock. This sweet angel hails from Raleigh!
Olivia and I both went to the same college but didn’t meet till a sunny afternoon in prospect park here in NYC. 
From the moment I her I knew we were gonna be gal pals for life.
No one plans a better vacation, party, girlie night than Olivia. She gives Martha Stewart a run for her money! 
Also if you ever need tips of what to buy from Zara each season this is your girl! 
To all the adventures we’ve been on and all the adventures we’ll go on! I’ll always have gummi bears and cheez it’s and a bevy if podcasts queues up for the journey!
Two mini versions of the pie go to Gigi Nguyen & Yuri Martinez! I made two mini versions cause Gigi will admit she is terrible at sharing food. Gigi hails from Raleigh! 
I met this small but mighty spit fire through the lovely Sara! Sara and Gigi used to be co workers and invited Sara and whoever she wanted to bring to her then boyfriend and now husbands birthday party (Yuri!) and the rest is history!
I am Gigi and Yuri’s unofficial pet sitter! And one of their corgi’s Molly and I share a birthday! We’re Virgos.
Gigi is a talented illustrator, pattern pioneer and seeker of the best canned goods one person can get. Gigi’s dream is to open a purely canned goods store based on her travels to Spain and Portugal where the can is king. 
Gigi is my neighbor and my CSA farm share partner! Even though she eats most of the produce while working at the farm share I love her anyway. 
NC is also for some very special ladies in my life Anne Mallet, Katie Bell, Valerie Mooney and Katie Peeler. Y’all inspire me every day. 
North Carolina you were “First in Flight” and I was told you were “A Better Place to Be”. I whole heartedly agree. I often feel my heart is a blue ridge mountain. 
See you soon for biscuits, beer, sweet tunes and life long friendships.





NEW YORK - Pie #32 of 50 - My New York Family, R&D Foods, East River Tattoo, JC Penney SoHo, Yoga Tribe Brooklyn & Fish's Eddy

State Muffin: Apple Muffin
State Fruit: Apple
State Snack: Yogurt

New York is the second longest place I have ever lived! This year is my 8th anniversary of moving to New York.
As a 15 year old I wrote a letter to myself where I said I would move to NYC go to Parson’s and buy one of those lofts where the elevator opens into your apartment. I also imagine I would wear a really fancy camel peacoat while doing all of this.
I love New York City but I also love New York State. I love the Catskills where I like to camp and hike with my girls of @trails_to_ales, I love the Adirondack’s where Tupperlake is. I also love the 55 miles of the Appalachian Trail that I’ve hiked in NY. 
New York has the world’s best bagels. This is not an argument this is a statement of truth. I once had a bagel in LA. Never again.
New York is known as The Big Apple so I had to oblige.
For New York I made 150 mini Apple pies with coffee cake crumble. I had to go big or go home.

So instead of making one pie I decided to make 150 mini ones so I could share them with all the fine folks that make this city a home for me.
4 went to Sara & Ilene at R&D Foods
4 went to the lovely Rachel Hauer at East River Tattoo
4 went to Julie, Susanne, Noah and Teddy at Fish’s Eddy’s
4 went to my yoga teacher Robbin Farrell
24 went to my co workers and work family at JC Penney
The final 110 pies went to my New York family! I had a little pie-ty to honor these fine folks at Berg’n in Crown Heights. Without these folks I couldn’t survive the tumultuousness of this city. These people bring me constant laughs, constant support and are always there for me when i call. I showed them my love for them the best way I know how throwing a party and serving them pie!
I love these people, I love this city. Even though sometimes it gives me reasons to hate it, two seconds later a little New York magic happens and I fall in love all over again.
New York is my bad boyfriend.
I am blessed and I am thankful to call one of the greatest cities in the world home.
Honestly I still get goosebumps every time “Empire State of Mind” comes on and I realize I live here.





NEW MEXICO - Pie #31 of 50 - Viridiana Liberman

State Cookie: Bizcochito
State Vegetable(s): New Mexico Chile & Pinto Bean

I have been to New Mexico! I visited Santa Fe with my dad & sisters. We watched sunsets and I gained a deep appreciation for turquoise jewelry.

New Mexico is a corner state boarding Colorado, Utah & Arizona.
The state was named by a 18th century Spanish explorer who hoped to find gold and wealth equal to Mexico’s Aztec treasures. This state is a real gem so I’m sure his wealth cup overfloweth.
New Mexico is home to more sheep and cattle than people at 12 people pre square mile. Denver may be the Mile High City but it ain’t got nothing on Santa Fe. At 7199ft above sea level it’s the highest capital city in the nation. Not only is the state home to the high capital city but also the longer river! The Rio Grande! Which runs the entire length of NM.
A gem (literally) I hope to see sometime in my near future is the White Sands Monument which is a desert made of gleaming white gypsum crystals not sand.

Hatch, NM is known as the “Green chile capital of the world”. This pie is a beef and pork green chile stew pie with a blue corn crust. A real simple pie on the outside with complex robust flavors on the inside. The green chile’s were brought to me by Viri from Albuquerque for the low and slow stew that cooked for 8 hours.

This pie is for Viridiana Liberman! I call her Viri or Mom cause I love her and when I rest my head on her shoulder all my troubles melt away!

I met Viri at Haley & Bryce’s old apartment in Hell’s Kitchen while watching an episode of Game of Thrones.

Viri grew up in Albuquerque, NM. Her family still lives there in the same house. Viri is New Mexico proud she loves the food, she loves the music, she loves waking up to a sky littered with hot air balloons. Her smile will light up the darkest of nights.
Viri is an extremely talented Sundance award winning editor and film maker. She is my golden globe of a friend, my academy award but one that’s made out of chocolate cause she is so god damn sweet.

New Mexico you sure are the land of enchantment “crescit eundo” it grows as it goes like my love for you. You’re New Mexico true.
