WEST VIRGINIA - Pie #48 of 50 - August 2021 - Almost Heaven
State Fruit: Golden Delicious Apple
I have never been to West Virginia.
West Virginia is considered the southern most northern state and the northern most southern state.
It is the only state that is completely within the Appalachian Mountain region! Guess thats why John Denver said it’s almost heaven.
The pie for this state is a pepperoni, hot cheese pie with marinara swirl and a pepperoni stuffed crust. I had this picture in my head of a pie with pepperoni in the crimps and I had to make it happen!
Though the state fruit is the golden delicious apple there was no doubt in my mind that the pie for WV had to be based on the pepperoni roll.
The first known pepperoni roll was sold by Giuseppe Argiro at the Country Club Bakery in Fairmont, WV in 1927. It become popular in the state in the early 20th century when the booming mines and railroads attracted many immigrants from Italy. It originally made as a coal miner’s lunch and bares resemblance to the pasty and the sausage roll which also originated in mining communities in Great Britain. The pepperoni roll is an Italian American stuffed bread roll that is nearly ubiquitous, particularly in convenience stores and is the food that is the most closely associated with the state. The classic pepperoni roll consists of a soft white yeasted bread roll with pepperoni baked in the middle. During the baking the fats of the pepperoni melt infusing the bread with its spicy oil. YUM!

This pie is dedicated to my friend of 14 years Jeffrey Caldwell Hart. I met Jeffrey sophomore year at SCAD. To say we met would not do the occasion justice. Jeffrey picked me to be his friend. We were both in the same Survey of Western Art class. I had an Intro to Footwear class right before in a different building so I would come bounding into art history with an arm full of shoe lasts and leather poking out of my tote and sit in the last seat by the door as class was just about to start. During break the second day of class I was out smoking a cigarette and Jeffrey decided to join me. He basically told me that next class his friend Taylor and him would save a seat for me. I was ok that sounds nice. Cut to next class I come bounding in the door and I look by the window to see Jeffrey and Taylor beckoning me over and pointing to the seat they saved for me. We have been friends ever since.
Jeffrey was born in Charleston, WV and has spent many of our 14 years of friendship telling me about how incredible pepperoni rolls are. Jeffrey and I both moved up to New York right after college. Jeffrey is a talented designer, artist, a true Renaissance man but most of all Jeffrey is the most wonderful friend. During the first few tumultuous years in the city whenever I was anxious I would go sleepover at Jeffrey’s. We would lay in his bed listen to Fleetwood Mac and enjoy the soft light that would pour into his then Williamsburg apartment’s curtains. Nothing made me feel more at peace.
West Virginia you are Almost Heaven because whenever I’m with Jeffrey I am home.
West Virginia also goes out to Taylor Pope and Chelsea Strobel all my memories gather 'round them.
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