Pie #2 - May 2016 - Alex Miller
The last frontier!
So Alaska doesn't have a state fruit, a state nut, not even a stat pastry! but what Alaska does have is a great dessert named after it with variations and origins in the United States and in Hong Kong! Which is pretty amazing cause I grew up in Hong Kong and now live in the U.S. of A!
So here ya go! this is a baked Alaska pie with homemade vanilla, strawberry and chocolate ice cream topped with the soft peaks of a toasted meringue!
This pie was a doozy took about 48 hours to complete including a lot of waiting for things to set up, churn and freeze. So as you can imagine there was a lot of movie watching, singing loudly with my eyes closed and snacking while I was waiting for everything to set up.

So this pie is for Alex Miller. He isn't from Alaska but he is spending the endless summer in the last frontier and since I can't ship an ice cream pie for once in my life I get to have my pie and eat it too!
Kelsie, Chuck, Patrick and I consumed it on his behalf. I promise to make him another one when he comes back.
I couldn't find one person from Alaska! I guess i'll just have to go and make some new friends!
Alaska you are beyond my dreams but within my reach.