LOUISIANA - Pie #18 of 50 - Zachery James Kohler "Moses" / "Mo Mo"
State Fruit: Strawberry
State Jellies: Mayhaw & Sugar Cane Jelly
State Meat Pie: Natchioches meat pie
Straw Donut: Beignet
State Vegetable: Sweet Potato
State Dish: Gumbo
Oh boy do I love Louisiana and I sure do love New Orleans. The first time I went to NoLa my college roommate Jess called me after class told me to she was packing a bag and we were driving right after she picked me up from class to crash her parents vacation. It was the most fun spontaneous road trip. I drank one million hurricanes and ate so many oysters, po boys and alligator for the first time! Nothing like a Chavez family vacation.
The second time I went to NoLa I went with my baby dolls Kelsie and Mallory to meet my childhood bff Holly Booth who at the time was working on a cruise ship and her only over night in America was in NoLa. We hit up all the sweet spots cause Kels is literally the best trip planner in the world.
We crashed with sweet baby boy Moses and upon arriving he served us home made red beans and rice, and we danced to the song "I can't wait" by nu shooz and got unlimited cuddles from his sweet pup Kosch dog.
New Orleans is where I bought a dozen Dolly Parton records. It's where I drank the most daiquiris. It's where Moses the girls and I danced to a live jazz band for eight hours straight to the point we were unable to walk the next day.
I can't say enough lovely things about this state.
Louisiana is way more than NoLa and I'm eager to explore! Next time maybe an air boat tour of the swamps is in order. Daiquiri in hand for sure.
Louisiana has blessed me with a variety of state foods and fruits for my interpretation. I landed on a strawberry and mayhaw jelly jam pie with a home made fleur de lis beignet topper and king cake esque decorations.

The pie is for my sweet friend Moses he is born and raised in New Orleans and resides there now in Bayou St John's with his sweet pup Kosch Dog and a stones throw from one of the best bars ever Pal's. I couldn't ship the pie to him so he is getting an apple pie-kage. The pie was received by the Woodbury's. Chuck goes to NoLa every year for Jazz Fest with Moses and the boys and Kels is one of my bad beignets & my favorite travel pal. Jack dog of course was around for a sniff and attempted lick.
Honorable mention to Caity Opelka and her mom Susan who also reside in New Orleans! Caity has been a party pal of mine since college. Her consistent and undying love for bacon and ability to do triathlons blows me away. Thank you for your constant support and love!
New Orleans thank you for always les bon temps rouler I'll be back soon for a get down and a daq.