MAINE - Pie #19 of 50 - Aaron Ruff
State Fruit: Wild Blueberries
State Dessert: Wild Blueberry Pie
State Soft Drink: Moxie
State Treat: Whoopie Pie
Maine is at the tippy top of the east coast.
I have never been to Maine but I know a few things. It's beautiful and it's where L.L. Bean is from. All I wanted growing up was a red L.L. Bean backpack with my name on it . I got one but my dad got it with "FONG" on it instead of "STACEY" so my sisters and I could share it UGH! I didn't wanna share it but it was red & came in a package all the way from America to Hong Kong so that was exciting!
Maine was the 23rd state in the Union and it's said that Eastport, ME is considered the first place to get sunlight in the morning on the east coast. In 1 year Maine produces 90% of the nations lobster and 99% of all blueberries too.
Maine's pie is a wild Maine blueberry & moxie pie with a "lobster" decorated crust. I boiled down a bottle of moxie to make a syrup to sweeten the pie with.

Maine is for my fine jewel of a friend Aaron Ruff. Aaron is from Dresden, ME but lives in Brooklyn now where he makes the most beautiful fine jewelry. 3 out of the 4 pieces of jewelry I wear every day are his. We met cause I won a giveaway on his Instagram where I won my "don't give up the ship" signet ring and we have been friends ever since. Fun fact Aaron introduced me to my sweet friend Rachel Hauer who is responsible for 85% of the tattoos on my body! Aaron may make the finest jewelry in the North East but his friendship is the true gem.
Maine is also dedicated to straight dime Eric Hallworth. Eric has been working on a tiny house on and off for the past 2 and a half years in Maine. The tiny house is located on land in Gray, ME where his family has had a cottage since the 80's but that original house has since been torn down. He designed it along with everyone's day dream Laura West. Eric is also building all of the furniture. Cause he is just that badass. Hopefully I'll come see this beauty myself soon with a bottle of tequila & a pie in hand.
I mean it must be Maine, the way life should be. You truly are Vacationland, postcard perfection.