KENTUCKY - Pie #17 of 50 - Mark Dorf
State Fruit: Blackberry
I have been to Kentucky! I honestly have no idea where I was. I went on a little vacation to my friend Katie's mums lake house where we rode jet skis around, got sun burnt and drank PBRs. It was pretty amazing. So I only have good feels for this lovely state.
Kentucky is B-E-A-UTIFUL and home to Mammoth Cave which is the world's longest cave. It is also home too the caves with the shortest and deepest underground river in the world, The Lost River Cave and Valley Bowling Green.
I also wanted to find out why Kentucky Bluegrass is called blue grass since it's green. It's called this because in the spring bluegrass produces bluish purple buds that when seen in large fields gives the feel a blue cast. NATURE IS AMAZING!
Other fun facts about Kentucky!
- The song "Happy Birthday to You" I'm sure you've heard of it was written by two Louisville sisters in 1893
- Post-It Notes are manufactured exclusively in Cynthiana and the exact number made each year is kept a secret
- Fort Knox is also home to the largest amount of gold stored anywhere in the world with more than $6 billion worth held in its vaults.
- The first restaurant owned and operated by Colonel Sanders is located in Corbin.
The state fruit of Kentucky is the blackberry! But after a conversation with Mark Dorf At Kendall's zine party and him telling me about Derby Pies I decided that's the way I had to go!
So Kentucky's pie is a traditional Derby Pie With a blackberry drizzle.
The Kentucky Derby is the oldest continuously held horse race in the country and is held at Churchill downs in Louisville on the first Saturday in May. Where the pie along with free flowing mint juleps are served.

This pie is for you guessed it MARK DORF! Mark grew up in Louisville,KY but lives here in NYC. He is a talented visual artist and all round great guy. Mark is probably one of the smarted and most creative people I know.
If you're around the city a solo show of his opens at Postmasters Gallery on Saturday!
I have zero idea when I first met Mark Dorf but I feel like it was probably at one of the Halloween Parties I used to throw at my house.
Only the fondest feelings for the state of Kentucky! You truly are full of Unbridled Spirit!
Now on to a state that always le bon temps rouléz